Home Economics Starts At... Home. Obviously.

😊 Hey, homeschoolers! I wanted to talk about home economics because we had a huge 'lesson' about that with the kiddos this morning, and we saved our book work for afterwards.

It was mainly about the house being in a bit of disarray, and it was hubby's day off. So once he gets going on a spree of what's in need of cleaning, all the kids have to be front and center. lol

I'm sure you guys remember home ec class. I am not sure if they still even have it in schools or not; last I heard, they did not. At least for black public schools, they don't. I remember having home ec class in middle school, but that was in 1997-2000. The public school I went to had home ec (and art class) as a requirement then. It was one of my favorite 'exploratories', as they called it then. We learned to sew in that class. I remember sewing a small pillow and being so proud of myself. I am trying to remember what else they taught us then, but I can't put my finger on it. All I remember was that I learned to sew and loved it.

I also remember home ec being non-existent in high school... 💔

Like I said, I do not know if home ec still exists for black neighborhoods. I do know that if it does, it's definitely not the same as it was 15-20 years ago. Initially, home ec should start at home; that's why they call it home economics, right? But there are so many kids out there that don't ever learn the basics of upkeeping a home.

That's simply because standards have changed. These days, everyone has to work so much that no one is ever even home in the first place to learn how to upkeep one. It's sad, but that's just what it is. Home ec is no longer valued except for people like us who value family and value homeschooling. Home ec is super important. Learning how to upkeep a home requires so much patience and so much training. You have to show them how to sweep, vacuum, mop, wash dishes, wash clothes, wash countertops, and a million and one other things that they must know at some point to learn responsibility. Kids these days are lazy because they aren't trained properly; they're only trained to go to school in a prison-like environment, do as the teacher says, and recite information.

To be a really successful human being, there's a lot more to life than that. This is why families are so broken apart. The system has created this lifestyle for us that we have to hustle and bustle just to make ends meet while our kids grow up knowing nothing but how to sing, dance, rap, and play sports, because that's all they emphasize in schools. UGH, that gets on my nerves. Don't get me started on that... it'll be hard to get me off of THAT soapbox. LOL

So in essence, home ec is extremely important. I barely remember how to sew from middle school, because I didn't get a chance to practice it at home. I know some basics on sewing without a sewing machine. My mom barely remembered how to sew because she had to eventually put down her at home duties to go to work back then. So that 'art' is lost. Sewing is imperative. I need to teach it to my kids before something happens to me and they never get a chance to learn... that's definitely on my bucket list.  

If you're homeschooling, that more than likely means that you're at home with your kids most of the day, so you understand the importance of home ec. That's great; keep it up. Try to maintain them doing their chores, learning new chores, and learning new skills. It's very helpful to their development, and guess what. It'll take a HUGE load off of you when you look up one day and the house is spic and span without you ever lifting a finger. :)

~Uncaged Learning~


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