Homemade Homeschool Planner Idea!

Hiya, homeschoolers! I haven't written in a while again. Working on it. As always. lol
How are you guys doing with homeschooling? I am doing well considering where we're at in life, and I'm still proud. The kids are learning so much. They've become very inquisitive, especially my 3rd grader.

As you may already know, all of my homeschool pictures and updates go to Instagram. I really wish that there was a way to fuse the two, as in Instagram posts automatically publish here as a blog post... that would help me out so much as far as networking and advertising and what not... but that's not the case right? lol

But I have a homemade planner idea that I came up with the other day. I did a video on it for you guys and I hope you enjoy this idea! It has helped me greatly. 

~Uncaged Learning~


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