What I Do About Homeschool Burnout! | Uncaged Learning

Hey, homeschoolers! I am seriously experiencing homeschool burnout. That is why I haven't even posted here lately.

The natural thing that happens when you have so many kids and barely any break from teaching them or even supervising them. 

Last week, I took the entire week off from teaching much of anything and let them unschool themselves. Sometimes, that isn't such a bad idea. I let them watch educational shows on PBS, write stories in their journals, demolish chapter books, and the newest thing that was added recently: playing educational apps on their new tablet! That tablet has been so awesome for us. Syriah got it for her 9th birthday, which just passed on March 3rd and they are in love. Not so much in love with sharing the doggone thing, but oh wells, they have to learn that, anyway.

So unschooling has been an option for those moments when I just want them to leave me the hell alone so I can recuperate for a while. I already don't get out much, so that is the main issue that we are working on. I've been waiting for the warm spring weather to finally stick around so they can play outside more. Homeschool burnout is a real thing, especially for the older kids because they need a lot of lessons taught and often times, hubby and I cannot do it all ourselves.

We don't have the financial means yet to try those co-op classes or even put them in extracurricular activities just yet... it's 5 of them, ya'll. Bear with meh...

What I do when I experience burnout is relax more. Try to keep them out of my face, because I can get grumpy when they are constantly still asking me endless questions after a long day of checking math problems and correcting worksheets. Pamper myself while washing my hair, shaving, etc. I play games when I have down time, mostly games on my laptop. Steam games, multiplayer online games that I enjoy. 

Working out is also a stress reliever. Taking a nap, drinking smoothies in silence, sometimes filming a video, if I can get them to give me some silence. I may watch a movie to myself if hubby is at work. Browse around on Instagram, watch Youtube. Occasionally, these online activities do get boring to me, but if that's all I have available to me, then that's what I utilize. This is what I do when I get burned out.

So I hope I gave you guys some helpful tips for burnout. Don't stress! You nor your kids learn best when stressed. It's okay to take a break... teaching is hard work! :)

~Uncaged Learning~
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